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Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program


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Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program

Our primary goal at Nissan Canada Finance is to offer our valued customers a hassle-free, quick and smooth transition into their next new Nissan vehicle. We want to help you and your family members make every journey a memorable one and as a loyal customer, we can deliver more! If you are leasing or financing your Nissan vehicle with : Nissan Canada Inc., or if you currently own a Nissan vehicle 2015 model year or newer, you are eligible to take advantage of the Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program.

Designed with your needs in mind the Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program offers you the flexibility to adapt it to your particular situation. You decide how the Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program makes the most sense for you in your transition to your next Nissan vehicle.

Continue reading or click one of the links below to learn more about the Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program. Questions? Please contact your local Nissan Dealership they’ll be happy to help.

What is the Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program?

The simple answer? Our way of saying “thank you” for being a loyal customer!

Customers who choose to lease or finance any new and previously unregistered Nissan vehicle with Nissan Canada Finance are eligible for the corresponding specified amount of stackable Loyalty Dollars, as listed in the table below.

Loyalty Program tab Nissan

Please visit the “How Can I Use My Loyalty Dollars?” section below for more details regarding the application of Loyalty Dollars.

Who is eligible for Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program?

The Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program is available to:

Individuals who currently own or are leasing/financing a 2010 model year or newer Nissan vehicle.
Individuals who had a Lease or Finance contract with Nissan Canada Finance which either matured or was concluded as of 90-days prior to the purchase and delivery date of their new Nissan vehicle.

How can I use my loyalty dollars?

Loyalty Dollars can be applied in one or more of the following four ways.

  • To reduce the Annual Percentage Rate (“APR”) of an eligible new vehicle that is leased or financed through Nissan Canada Finance:
    Amount of APR reduction will vary by model and other specifics of the lease/finance agreement. Please contact your Nissan Dealership for details. Nissan Canada Finance Loyalty Program rate adjustments cannot reduce the lease rate below 0.01% or reduce the finance rate below 0.0%.
  • Towards the purchase of the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”):
    You will remain responsible for all costs associated with the purchase of the ASP which are not otherwise off-set by the application of the Loyalty Dollars.
  • As an after-tax deduction from the final negotiated selling price of an eligible new vehicle.
  • To off-set your lease/finance payments on your current Nissan vehicle or towards any penalties and/or other amounts associated with ending your current lease/finance contract:You will remain responsible for all payments, fees, penalties and other amounts associated with your current lease/finance agreement that are not otherwise off-set by the application of the Loyalty Dollars.

Please contact your Nissan Dealer for details and any questions regarding the application of your Loyalty Dollars for your particular situation.

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